#4 Poland. Jewish Perspective and the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

"The Holocaust was not a metaphor…as historians we must be aware of metaphors, and we must explain exactly the horrific things that happened during the Holocaust." (Havi Dreifuss) - 81 years ago, on April 19, 1943, the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising began. In our second episode on Poland, we spoke with historian Havi Dreifuss about the Jewish experience of the Holocaust in Poland and her last book "Ghetto Warsaw. The End". In her research, she uses diaries, letters, and other contemporary documents – letting Jews themselves describe the horrific reality of the ghetto. We talked about Jewish-Polish relations, the origins of the Jewish resistance in Warsaw, and how to write about the Holocaust when most of the survivors are no longer with us. 


In Hebrew: גטו ורשה – הסוף )אפריל 1942 - יוני 1943( ,ירושלים (Warsaw Ghetto—The End, Jerusalem 2018), Havi Dreifuss.

Havi Dreifuss, “Relations Between Jews and Poles during the Holocaust. The Jewish Perspective”, Yad Vashem 2017.


Havi Dreifuss, “The Leadership of the Jewish Combat Organization during the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising: A Reassessment”, in: Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Volume 31 (2017), 1, 24–60.

Havi Dreifuss, “Yisrael Gutman (1923–2013). Holocaust Survivor, Ghetto Fighter, and Jewish Historian”, in: Yad Vashem Studies, Volume 41 (2013), 2.

Havi Dreifuss, "Conceptualizing Jewish Reactions. Between Amidah and Resistance", in:  The journal of Holocaust research, Volume 36 (2022), 1, 50-59.


Havi Dreifuss, The Beginning of the Final Solution, Video Lecture.

Voices from the Inferno. Online Exhibition.

Online-exhibition on the Ringelblum underground archive.