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The Protocol II

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Section II of the protocol ends on page 5. It concludes by pointing out that the previous practice of emigration was now forbidden. Directly afterwards, Section III opens by stating that the future approach will be the ‘evacuation of the Jews to the East’. It continues:

However, these operations should be regarded only as provisional options, though they are already supplying practical experience of vital importance in view of the coming final solution of the Jewish question.

Since the text here also mentions the ‘appropriate prior authorization by the Führer’, it contains a concrete reference to Hitler and his approval of these actions.
The ‘practical experience’ addressed here most likely relates to the experience with previous deportations and murder operations. Until 19 January 1942, nine transport trains alone had left Berlin for the eastern occupied territories.
Two of the participants at the meeting, Rudolf Lange and Eberhard Schöngarth, had already played a significant part in mass executions before 1942. Both Lange and Schöngarth were high-ranking SS commanders in the occupied eastern territories.